Recently, Facebook bought WhatsApp application for $19 million.įree Download and Install WhatsApp on Windows 8. As a cross-platform app, it syncs texts across devicesirrespective of whether you’re using it from your PC or Android smartphone. WhatsApp supports lots of smileys and more over it is available to all Mobile platforms like Android, iOS, Symbian, Blackberry and Windows phone. WhatsApp 64-bit for Windows is a free messaging application that lets users connect with friends and family around the world. We can also share our real time location with our friends. WhatsApp become very famous nowadays because it offers many outstanding features like sending free SMS, sending and receiving videos, voice messages, photos from our friends. WhatsApp is probably the best application to chat with our buddies.
Installing whatsapp on pc is not a tough way, just follow the tricks to install whatsapp on pc for windows xp, 7,8,8.1 with bluestacks. In this article we will provide you how to install whatsapp on pc or laptop for windows xp, windows 7, windows 8, windows 8.1 platforms with bluestacks.
are you searching enough for installing whatsapp on pc but could not find a good one? Then this is the right place for you.